
佚名影视聚焦人气:377时间:2021-10-08 22:38:33

喜欢甜茶弟弟的粉丝们有福了。十月份将有两部甜茶主演的电影上映——《沙丘》和《法兰西特派》,而且演员阵容都很强大。将和观众见面的还有摘得金棕榈奖的《钛》、恐怖片《鹿角》和动画片《天赐灵机》。(Credit: Warner Bros)Dune《沙丘》Now at last we have a big-screen Dune that may actually do justice to Frank Herbert's science-fiction novel. Directed by Denis Villeneuve (Blade Runner 2049, Arrival), this is a sombre, sweeping epic which runs for 155 minutes and still only covers the first half of the book. The budget is colossal, the crew is top-notch, and the cast is packed with big names, including Timothée Chalamet, Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Zendaya and Dave Bautista. As space operas about psychic-powered young heroes on desert planets go, it may never be as popular as Star Wars, but, says Clarisse Loughrey in the Independent, "It is a film of such literal and emotional largeness that it overwhelms the senses [and] of such intimidating grandeur that it's hard to believe it even exists in the first place."我们终于迎来了一部可以对得起弗兰克·赫伯特科幻小说原著的电影《沙丘》。丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦(曾执导《银翼杀手2049》和《降临》)导演的这部阴郁磅礴的史诗大片长达155分钟,但也只讲完了原著的上半部分。这部电影耗资巨大,演员阵容也十分强大,包括蒂莫西·柴勒梅德、奥斯卡·伊萨克、乔什·布洛林、赞达亚和戴夫·巴蒂斯塔等众多大牌明星。这部关于荒漠星球上具有超自然力量的少男少女的星际科幻电影也许永远不会像《星球大战》系列一样受欢迎,但是,正如克拉丽斯·洛瑞在《独立报》上的评论:“这是一部篇幅和情感都广博到令人震撼的宏伟电影,它的存在本身就让人难以置信。”Released on 21 October in the UK and Ireland, and 22 October in the US and Canada该片将于10月21日在英国和爱尔兰上映,10月22日在美国和加拿大上映。(Credit: Searchlight)The French Dispatch《法兰西特派》Wes Anderson fans rejoice: the writer-director's 10th film is his most Wes Anderson-ish ever. In The French Dispatch, he takes his meticulous style to new extremes, so barely a frame goes by that isn't ornamented with a split screen, a freeze frame, a sans serif caption, a florid voiceover, or a switch between monochrome and garish colour. Beneath all these elaborate quirks is an anthology of three whimsical short stories set in the fictional French town of Ennui-sur-Blasé, and supposedly drawn from the pages of a New Yorker-style magazine in the mid-20th Century. Timothée Chalamet, Benicio del Toro and Léa Seydoux star alongside such Anderson regulars as Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Tilda Swinton and Jason Schwartzman.韦斯·安德森的粉丝欢呼吧,这位编剧兼导演的第十部电影是他迄今为止将个人风格发扬得最淋漓尽致的作品。在《法兰西特派》中,安德森将他细致入微的风格发挥到了新极致。几乎没有一帧画面是未经过雕琢的,不是运用分屏、定格、无衬线字体、词藻华丽的画外音,就是在黑白和艳丽色彩之间切换。在所有这些精巧的手法之下,这部电影讲述的是一座虚构的法国小镇“厌烦边的无聊镇”中发生的三个怪诞的小故事,据称这些故事选自上世纪中叶一本《纽约客》风格的杂志。参演本片的有蒂莫西·柴勒梅德、本尼西奥·德托罗和蕾雅·赛杜,还有安德森电影的御用演员比尔·默瑞、欧文·威尔逊、蒂尔达·斯文顿和詹森·舒瓦兹曼。Released on 22 October in the UK, Ireland, the US and Canada该片将于10月22日在英国、爱尔兰、美国和加拿大上映。(Credit: Carole Bethuel)Titane《钛》For only the second time in its history, and for only the first time since 1993, the Palme d'Or at this year's Cannes Film Festival was won by a film directed by a woman. Even if it hadn't received one of cinema's top prizes, though, Julia Ducournau's Titane would be a must-see. The film is a gory, blackly-comic shocker about a serial killer (Agathe Rousselle) who has sex with a car and then hides from the authorities by disguising herself as the missing son of a fire chief (Vincent Lindon). But even that summary doesn't convey just how feverish Titane is.女性导演的电影摘得戛纳电影节的金棕榈奖,这是有史以来第二次,也是1993年来的首次。尽管这部电影没有获得电影界最高荣誉,但是朱利亚·迪库诺的《钛》绝对值得一看。这部血淋淋的黑色幽默惊悚片讲述了一个和汽车做爱的连环杀手(阿加莎·罗塞勒饰演)将自己伪装成一名消防队长(文森特·林顿饰演)失踪的儿子从而躲过政府部门的追踪。不过只看电影简介你根本想象不出这部电影有多疯狂。Released on 1 October in the US, 7 October in Germany and 8 October in Spain and Sweden该片于10月1日在美国上映,10月7日在德国上映,10月8日在西班牙和瑞典上映。(Credit: 20th-Century Studios)Ron's Gone Wrong《天赐灵机》The first feature-length cartoon from a new British studio, Locksmith Animation, Ron's Gone Wrong is a family comedy about the differences between social media and physical interaction. Its schoolboy hero, Barney (Jack Dylan Grazer), is given what seems to be the ideal toy, a shiny robot which is programmed to be his friend – assuming it works properly. The snag is that this particular robot, Ron (Zach Galifianakis), barely works at all. "Children want someone who agrees with them, who wants to play the same games as them… and that's the type of dream the technology world offers you," the film's co-writer and co-director, Sarah Smith, said. "And in our movie, Barney ends up with Ron, who's completely dysfunctional and broken, who doesn't agree with him and doesn't know anything about him, and they have to build this relationship from that point."《天赐灵机》是英国新动画工作室Locksmith出品的第一部动画长片,这部家庭喜剧片讲述了社交媒体和实体互动之间的差异。男主人公是一位名叫巴尼的男学生(杰克·迪伦·格雷泽配音),他得到了一个貌似很理想的玩具——一个亮闪闪的机器人,程序设定为他的朋友,当然前提是这个机器人要正常运转。问题在于这个名叫罗恩的机器人(扎克·加利凡纳基斯配音)根本不能正常运转。该片的编剧和导演之一莎拉·史密斯说:“孩子们想要的是能认同他们、和他们玩同样游戏的玩伴,而这是科技世界可以帮助实现的梦想。然而在我们这部电影中,巴尼得到的却是功能完全失调的坏掉的机器人罗恩,罗恩既不同意巴尼的观点,对巴尼也一无所知,他们的关系必须从头开始建立。”Released on 15 October in the UK and Ireland and 22 October in the US and Canada该片将于10月15日在英国和爱尔兰上映,10月22日在美国和加拿大上映。(Credit: Searchlight)Antlers《鹿角》In the latest horror-drama to be produced by Guillermo del Toro, a school teacher (Keri Russell) and a sheriff (Jesse Plemons) suspect that a supernatural creature is lurking near their small Oregon town. Not that Antlers is a straightforward monster movie. The story is rooted in Native American tales of the Wendigo, so the director, Scott Cooper (Hostiles), consulted Professor Grace L Dillon, "the country's foremost authority" on the subject. She "really educated me that for Native Americans, First Nations, it's not folklore, it's not a myth," Cooper told Indiewire. "They truly, truly believe in it, because it represents greed and colonialism when we first came to the shores of what is now America, and pillaged all of their resources and forced them [into] cannibalism... out of that rose the Wendigo."在吉尔莫·德尔·托罗导演的这部最新恐怖片中,一名学校老师(凯丽·拉塞尔饰演)和一名治安官(杰西·普莱蒙饰演)怀疑一个超自然生物潜伏在他们的俄勒冈小镇附近。《鹿角》并不只是一部怪兽电影这么简单。故事基于美洲原住民关于温迪戈的传说,导演斯科特·库珀(曾执导《敌对分子》)还为此咨询了这一话题的“全国最高权威专家”格蕾丝·L·迪伦教授。库珀告诉Indiewire网站说,迪伦教授“让我了解到,对于美洲原住民而言,温迪戈不是传说,不是神话。他们真的相信温迪戈的存在,因为它代表着我们初次来到美洲大陆时的贪婪和殖民主义,我们洗劫了他们所有的资源,迫使他们去吃同类,由此才诞生了温迪戈。”Released on 28 October in Australia and New Zealand, and 29 October in the UK, Ireland, the US and Canada该片将于10月28日在澳大利亚和新西兰上映,10月29日在英国、爱尔兰、美国和加拿大上映。英文来源:BBC翻译&编辑:丹妮来源:中国日报网


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